ability to cancel construction and have a portion of the funds returned
[browser-rts.git] / src / render / kingdom-overview.ts
1 import { Account } from "../repository/accounts";
2 import { CityWithLocation, CityRepository } from "../repository/city";
3 import * as _ from 'lodash';
5 function percent(curr: number, max: number, cap?: number): number {
6   const val = Math.ceil((curr/max) * 100);
7   if(cap && val > cap) {
8     return cap;
9   }
11   return val;
12 }
14 type Usage = {
15   foodUsagePerTick: number;
16   foodProductionPerTick: number;
17   energyUsagePerTick: number;
18   energyProductionPerTick: number;
19 }
21 const cityRepo = new CityRepository();
23 export function renderKingomOverview(city: CityWithLocation & Usage, account: Account): string {
24   const foodRateOfChange = city.foodProductionPerTick - city.foodUsagePerTick;
25   const energyRateOfChange = city.energyProductionPerTick - city.energyUsagePerTick;
26     return `
27         <div hx-trigger="every 600s" hx-get="/poll/overview">
28         <h2 data-augmented-ui="tl-clip bl-clip none">Overview</h2>
29         <table>
30         <tr>
31                 <th>Captain</th>
32                 <td>${account.username}</td>
33                 <th>Population</th>
34                 <td>${city.population.toLocaleString()}/${cityRepo.maxPopulation(city)}</td>
35         </tr>
36         <tr>
37                 <th>Space</th>
38                 <td>${city.totalSpace.toLocaleString()} (${Math.ceil(city.usedSpace/city.totalSpace * 100)}% used)</td>
39                 <th>Soldiers</th>
40                 <td>${city.soldiers.toLocaleString()}</td>
41         </tr>
42         <tr>
43                 <th>Location</th>
44                 <td>Sector ${city.sector_id} - (${city.location_x},${city.location_y})</td>
45                 <th>Attackers</th>
46                 <td>${city.attackers.toLocaleString()}</td>
47         </tr>
48         <tr>
49                 <th>Credits</th>
50                 <td>${city.credits.toLocaleString()}</td>
51                 <th>Defenders</th>
52                 <td>${city.defenders.toLocaleString()}</td>
53         </tr>
54         <tr>
55                 <th>Alloys</th>
56                 <td>${city.alloys.toLocaleString()} @ ${percent(city.alloys, cityRepo.maxAlloy(city), 100)} % Ore Refiniery Utilization</td>
57                 <th>Special Attackers</th>
58                 <td>${city.sp_attackers.toLocaleString()}</td>
59         </tr>
60         <tr>
61                 <th>Energy</th>
62                 <td>
63     ${city.energy.toLocaleString()} (<span class="rate-of-change ${energyRateOfChange < 0 ? 'danger-text' : 'success-text'}">${energyRateOfChange.toLocaleString()}</span>)
64     @ ${percent(city.energy, cityRepo.maxEnergy(city), 100)}% Accumulator Utilization
65     </td>
66                 <th>Special Defenders</th>
67                 <td>${city.sp_defenders.toLocaleString()}</td>
68         </tr>
69         <tr>
70                 <th>Food</th>
71                 <td>
72     ${city.food.toLocaleString()} (<span class="rate-of-change ${foodRateOfChange < 0 ? 'danger-text' : 'success-text'}">${foodRateOfChange.toLocaleString()}</span>) @ ${percent(city.food, cityRepo.maxFood(city), 100)}% Warehouse utilization
73     </td>
74         </tr>
75         </table>
76         </div>
77         `;
78 }